Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Malls Don't Stay the Same

They expanded the Freehold Raceway Mall. The carousel is still there, thank God, but the sea green paint is now a sensible eggshell, a Borders bulges out of one side, and a Dick's stands as a sort of satellite in the middle of the parking lot.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Soft-Core Scholar

I've always thought it would be really badass to be a scholar. But a scholar of old -- back when that was an occupation one threw oneself into with the same gusto a dedicated teacher or a doctor would. To make it your job to study and acquire knowledge.

There's a certain sense of martyrdom that goes along with it, like you sort of have to be uncomfortable through your knowledge quest -- have to read in very low light n' stuff.

That's why I'm forcing myself to sit upright at my desk for the 5th hour, no ass-pillow allowed -- feelin' that wood grain!

Aristotle and Nietzsche would likely scoff at my cram sessions of tort and contract law a week before exams. Spineless child's play, they would say. They did this sort of thing when they were in diapers.

Here's an exciting law fact that struck me: The only two things in the world considered common property, and thus without an owner, are the "high seas" and the air.

And even those- if you bottle either, you can own and sell it.

Please shoot me if I start writing in legalese.