Tuesday, May 31, 2011

No Cosmic Lover Pre-assigned

Ariel has been having difficulties with a man she doesn't think is her "soulmate."

While sitting with her on her couch last night trying to sip rum and swaying to Hedwig, we both realized that we won't ever find our soulmates, because there are none to be found. And love ... or the definition of it we're limited to... don't mean shit.

Got that out of the way.

Now on to something that's the truth. No more wispering words of devotion of over a sangria buzz without knowing really what the hell they mean. No more waiting with saucer eyes for that cosmic pop.

What's out there, and what we can all look forward to if we open our eyes, is first becoming our own soulmates, and then possibly finding someone who is good, but definitely not "meant" for us.

And when I find that person, I'll do them the honor of not telling them I love them, because cliche is the worst offense.

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