Sunday, November 28, 2010

We All Get It In the End

Saw a drag queen named Justin Bond do a midnight show at the Always Lounge last night.

Best thing I've seen in a long time.

I was afraid to sit up front, because I was expecting a bitchy schtick, where she might insult my footwear. And the, you know, it's on, bitch.

But Bond was like someone's chain-smoking, ex-starlet aunt who had a wisdom that ran deep from pain and too much experience - and I swear it wasn't my gin that made me want to lunge at her and ask for redemption.

The message from the songs she belted out at my noggin was, I'm alright, and so is everyone, because:

"We all get it in the end"

What she was singing about probably has more to do with anal sex than karma, but what it meant to me at the moment was:

No matter how "good" we try to be, we all fuck up, and we all deserve to "get it" in the end. Some actually do get it, and some of us bastards don't.

While I was really hoping I don't get mine, I felt a closeness to everyone in that room that night, swaying along to those words, knowing I deserve to "get it" as much as that dude next to me.

It's not that I want to be a crappy person, it's just refreshing to acknowledge that we've all been there, and we'll all continue to go there, but we don't have to be saints to keep moving forward and upward ... just human.


sarechka said...

haha yeah i suppose it could be about anal sex considering it's the song that ends the movie "shortbus," which is infamous for being the first "serious film" (ie, not porn) where the actors engaged in actual sex. the entire film is in fact about sex but it's about sex as it relates to every aspect of ourselves-- our loves and relationships, our mental and physical health, our personalities.

anyhow, the full lyrics are really lovely and i think actually are more in-line with your thoughts so i thought i'd share:

we all bear the scars
yeah, we all feign a laugh
we all cry in the dark
get cut off before we start

and as your first act begins
you realize they're all waiting
for a fall, for a flaw, for the end

and there's a past stained with tears
could you talk to quiet my fears
could you pull me aside
just to acknowledge that i've tried

as your last breath begins
contently take it in
cause we all get it in
the end

and as your last breath begins
you find your demon's your best friend
and we all get it in
the end

Strumpet said...

Have to see this film! Thanks for the lyrics.