Wednesday, October 27, 2010

You Can Put the Ring on Your Middle Finger

I'm probably never getting married. Never really wanted to. And that's ok.

But the closer I get to the end of my 20's (and I still have 2.2 years to go), the less ok this idea looks in the movies I see, the people whose conversations I overhear in bars, and the population in general.

Come on people, why aren't you with me on this one?

We claim to be modern and aggressive and a bastion of equality for the sexes. It's all about choice for women, the ability to be what they want to be, to pummel down the status quo and have society cheering you along into the new century.

But when I proudly declare my plan to adopt a child in my mid-30's and probably become a single mom, I get: "well don't give up on finding someone just yet!"

All this "progressiveness" and we're still stuck on wedding bells.

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