Tuesday, August 24, 2010

And the Rest Is Drag

My interpretation of RuPaul's philosophy into my guide for positive thought shifting:

Those privileged law school hoes are snickering at me because I'm carrying my books in a grocery bag.

The fact that you still look fierce while carrying your books in a grocery bag makes them insecure and they're laughing nervously.

That girl in the gym is sort of cute and it would suck if my girlfriend had a crush on her.

Honey, you can work that jump rope like that bitch never could, and you do it with heart and nerve! Your girlfriend is a damn fool if she wants something less. And your girlfriend is no fool.

It's degrading to walk past a group of men and they comment at me and call me Baby.

Put that bass in your walk! That sidewalk is your property, girl. Look at them incredulously, like, what are you insignificants even doing here? Security! And then shrug it off like a breeze.

I'm so stressed about whether or not I'll get a good job out of law school an what will become of me if I don't.

You're born naked, the rest is drag.

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