Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mamas Don't Let Your Daughters Grow Up to Be ...

I came out to my mom.

Coming out to me means that I met somebody who I wanted to date and they happened to be a woman. It means that I tried explaining to her that this fact does not matter to me and it shouldn't to her either.

Her reaction didn't go as hoped.

I see many similarities in my mother's reaction with my girlfriend's mother's reaction. Funny how they can be so textbook.

"But you're not meant for this lifestyle."

"Life isn't about what makes you happy."

"It's not natural."

Also makes you wonder whether this is really their heartfelt reaction or whether they're reacting to how they've been programmed by society, religion, or whatever to react.

The smoke is clearing and I still see my mother, I still see she loves my woman-dating ass, and i still know she loves to argue with me on "lifestyle choices." And I still love to argue with her. At least there's love.

I'm sure she didn't intend this, but in a way it's making me more of a fighter. Thanks mom.


Unknown said...

Give her time to adjust. After all, she is a born-again Christian. :-P I'm sure it'll work out okay eventually. She loves you.

retch-a-phobe said...

You have a solid family, so no matter what they will always love you. You guys may not always agree but as long as there's love that's all that matters. Your NYC momma is proud of her daughter for being herself and being honest with her real momma. Whatever doesn't kill ya makes you stronger :-).